What is the gig economy and how does it affect you and your work? Join us in a discussion about new (and old) forms of labor, control and technology. The topics will include organization, resistance in the gig economy and global perspectives. We will read two texts discussing this topic and then meet in an online workshop to process this together.
Who is this workshop for?
You are welcome to participate if you want to know more about this topic and/or have experience of working in the gig economy. The workshop will be conducted in English.
When and where?
19.00 -21.00 the 28th April. The workshop will be held online via Zoom.
If you want to participate, send us an email to gigwatch.se@gmail.com . We will send you a Zoom link one hour before the workshop. Prepare by reading the material and think about the questions. We will talk about the texts and questions in small groups during the workshop.
Here is the reading material.
What is Gigwatch?
Gigwatch is an initiative that examines the gig economy and tears apart the myths that surround it. We’re consisted of people from different part of civil society that want to see a change in the development in society right now, where the gig economy broadens out to more and more industries.
It’s a development that means a gigification of the entire job market. It means that, on one hand, that new gig companies overtake the market, but also that companies that used to offer traditional employments instead choose to use precarious methods of employment and working conditions. If you’re not already working within the gig economy there’s a risk that you may do so soon, unless we do something about it now.
In countries like the U.S.A, Great Britain, and Germany, more and more people question how positive the hyped gig economy actually is. Demands are being made towards guaranteed working hours, more security, and to be recognized as employees. We want to start a conversation about this in Sweden as well.