Migrant work – Sign up for this autumns thematic study circle 17/10

Now the reading material is out for the first two times. PART 1. PART 2. For issues with translating the swedish texts, contact us via our email.

This fall we are organizing a study circle again! There will be three Tuesday evenings in October (17th, 24th and 31st) at 18:00-20:00, with the theme of migrant work and migrant worker organization.

The topic of this circle is migrant labor. We explore the various types of exploitation occur when people end up in a position of dependence in order to stay in the country. Before each session, we read texts on the theme and discuss, among other things, how migrant workers have historically organized themselves in Sweden and how it looks in other countries. Concrete strategies for organizing are also discussed. What can we learn from this and how do we take it forward?

See you at Solidaritetshuset (Tegelviksgatan 40). We also offer a light dinner. Free and open for everyone to register, it is possible to participate even if you cannot attend all three sessions. Registration is via email to gigwatch.se@gmail.com and the deadline for registration is 16/10. Study material will be sent out via email as it approaches.