Gigstr launched in 2016 and works pretty much like an app-based supply agency within the sectors events, marketing, and sales. Companies contact Gigstr to receive personel on demand and Gigstr puts ads in its app for people looking for work. Gigstr takes a 20-25% cut that the other company pays. The duration of the tasks varies, it can be a simple 4-hour shift or it could be a part-time job. At the moment Gigstr is active in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Estonia.
Gigstr calls its workers brand ambassadors. Before you may look for work and become employed you have to go to an introductary seminar about the company and training before every gig. In comparison to a lot of other gig-apps the workers are connected to a collective bargaining agreement, which means, among other things, that they have a minimum pay of 120+holiday allowance as well as being insured while working.
On Gigstrs website they write that what makes a brand ambassador stand out is among other things that “[…] they love to work with brand building and salesdriving activity. In other words they love to gig” and “Give 110% on the spot. Maybe most importantly of all. Regardless of what the gig may be, a Brand Ambassador gives it 110%.”
The company has lain low the last couple of years – there’s been no reports for a good while, their social media presence is highly sporadic and they don’t seem to have had a lot of advertisements lately. The app itself is still active with tasks.
We find something remarkable when examining the board of directors for Gigstr AB. Chairman Greger Ericsson has, with the exception of Gigstr, 28 different companies in Sweden alone. Internationally, he has a number of high level positions in 7 different companies that have seats in the tax paradise Bermuda.
According to yearly reviews, Gigstr AB is a revised version of an older company: SWE Affect Agency AB. The company was registered with Bolagsverket 2011 and seems to have been working with events previously. 2016, when it was revised into Gigstr, the previously mentioned Greger Ericsson was erected as chairman. In Kronofogdens register there are 2 depreciated payment cases for Gigstr AB. PEQ Invest invested 10 million swedish crowns into the company in 2017.